10th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing

September 16-19, 2015, Monínec, Czech Republic

Format instruction - Abstract

The simplest way to produce a paper that satisfies our requirements is to use LaTEX. Submission is electronic. The LaTEX and PDF versions of abstract(recommended length is up to 2 pages) should be submitted by the following form. We recommend you to use our LaTex template. See files abstract.pdf and abstract.tex.

Format instruction - Paper

When preparing your contribution, please, follow the instructions for the authors. We recommend you to use our LaTex template. The LaTex and PDF versions of a paper(recommended length is up to 12 pages) should be submitted by the following form (compressed in an archive). See files wupes15.pdf and wupes15.tex.

Upload instruction

Pack all neccessary files (including final pdf version) into a zip(rar, arj, etc.) archive. Rename it in a way of YourName_abstract.zip or YourName_paper.zip and upload it using the following form. Please fill up the email address you have used in the registration form.

Upload form